Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Hi all!

Here I am again with no photos and precious little knitting news. Progress has been made, however, as I have finished the back piece of the Woolspun turtleneck and nearly finished my third Kureyon hat. I must find time (in secret) before the holiday to make and felt an iPod cosy for the fiance. We close on our house today, so there will likely be no posting at all from me for a few weeks between moving and the holidays. Oh how I love this time of year!

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Here I am again...

With the miles of time between posts. At least I have been knitting though. I finished the blue stripey Kureyon hat and am 90% finished with a third. I also started on a turtleneck for myself and am about a quarter of the way through the back piece. I am looking forward to the knitting meetup tonight so I can have some dedicated knitting time (though I'll probably try and sneak in some holiday shopping while we're at B&N). I promise I will have new pictures posted before the end of the year!

Tuesday, November 02, 2004


With the long time, no post thing. I've spent the morning catching up on my favorite blogs, and it seems like a lot of bloggers are posting a little less frequently than before. Maybe it's the season. Speaking of the season, the holiday decorations are cropping up everywhere, already! The tree in PPG Plaza has been put up and the ice rink is replacing the fountain for the year. The tree is up at the City County Building, though it's not yet decorated. Kaufmann's is decked out inside and there is already a holiday display in one of the windows. It's madness! So, in the spirit of the holiday season, I have treated myself to a little stash enhancement courtesy of Elann.com. There is some gorgeous Peruvian Highland Wool that's new on the site, and comes in a multitude of colors for a truly irresistable price. It's the last thing I should be spending money on right now, but hey, the season made me do it.