Wednesday, December 14, 2005

No lie.

It is so freakishly cold today in our office that I am wearing legwarmers under my trousers for warmth:

welcome to the splendor of my cube

No, I didn't make these- they're cute crocheted Hue legwarmers that I purchased from Kaufmann's a few weeks back.

So, guess it's been a while since I updated, but I swear I am still knitting. Here's proof:

That's my modified Irish Hiking Scarf in Lamb's Pride Bulky that's destined to be a Christmas gift for my mum. I haven't started anything else new and I doubt I will have a chance to until after the holiday as house maintenence has been keeping us pretty busy as of late. Our most recent discovery is that we have mice in our (detached) garage, and they'd built nests on the engines in both our cars. I had a feeling that we had mice in the garage, but I was against setting traps until now. Hopefully they haven't chewed through any wires in the car (though we were alerted to the presence of the nests when checking for the source of a gasoline smell last night, so they may have done some damage to the fuel line on one or both of our cars).

Since I posted last, I had a birthday, and I've officially now gone 30 times around the sun. The husband threw me a surprise party to celebrate (complete with pasties made by a real Cornishman!), which was very sweet and very fun. Lovely friends, including Lori, gave me some new yarn to enhance the stash, and my parents bought me a serger, which was super-generous, and something I cannot wait to use. I am so lucky to have good friends and family who spoil me for my birthday! We put up a Christmas tree - our first one - and it is very pretty and makes the whole living room smell great. I wish we could have that smell all winter. As for Christmas shopping...I'm not really on the ball with that, unfortunately. I've finished Mark aside from some little stocking-stuffers, and I've done Lori's, but that's really it. I have a plan though, so I am not too worried. Yet.


Blogger luvs2knit said...

Happy Birthday, Jen!!! What nice family and friends you have.

8:45 AM  
Blogger Sarah said...

I feel your pain with the cold -- my office has no heat! I've been making do with a space heater, but maybe some leg warmers would come in handy as well (and make a nice knitting project).

Happy birthday!

10:40 AM  
Blogger Holly said...

Try the rice footwarmer thingy. You'd be amazed how much better you feel when your feet are warm!
Check it out on my blog...

12:07 PM  

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