Sunday, August 28, 2005

Heaven, I'm in heaven...

Yesterday was more wedding "work" as Lori and I went to get our hair done for a trial run. Lori's stylist did an amazing job and we decided to take our new hairdos out for a spin. We thought of the perfect place to go:

Knit One in Squirrel Hill!

Saturday was their first official day in business, and boy, what a business! This place is absolutely huge! There are several comfy looking couches and a big table and chairs in the back of the store.

check out our new hairdos!

Lori peruses a wall of Debbie Bliss

The shop is cozy and welcoming and the people there are so nice. The shop attendant offered to take the photo above because she said we looked so cute!

Not a great photo, but you can see the comfy couches here and get an idea of how large the place is

The best part? They have Saturday and Sunday hours, and are open late on Tuesdays and Thurdays. The prices are on par with other shops in the area and they had lots of Debbie Bliss yarns, some I noticed that were priced slightly lower than at other area shops. And, did I mention how nice and friendly they are? Of course, I had to help to support the local economy:

More Noro. I know, I need help.

Yay for Knit One!

ed. 08/29/05:
Per their business card, the hours are:
Wed., Fri., Sat.- 10-5
Tues., Thurs.- 10-8
Sun.- 12-4

2721 Murray Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15217
t: 412-421-6666

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Yep, still procrastinating...

what?  they're just so easy to take on the bus, you know?

Thursday, August 18, 2005


I've been spammed in my comments! Anyone else have a problem with this?

So, procrastination has obviously become my middle name. I finished the body of Cathy last week, but I've been too chicken to sit down and pick up the bajillion stitches for the edging. Last night was knitting meetup, so I started to pick up the stitches and ran into a roadblock. The pattern is written so that you pick up "x" amount of stitches between markers that were placed when knitting the body. I have one section that indicates picking up 22 stitches. The problem is, I only have 18 rows in that section. So, how on earth are you supposed to pick up 22 stitches from 18? Damn if I know. Thought I made a mistake somewhere along the line, but it doesn't appear that I have upon reviewing the pattern, and also, I would have made the same mistake twice, as the fronts are symmetrical. I am going to check for errata and if I can't find anything, I'll just work those extra stitches in along another section. Here's what I have been doing during my week of Cathy procrastination:

I loves me some Silk Garden

I forgot how much I love knitting these little ribbed hats. So quick, so satisfying. And, it's a way to be able to buy one of each of several Noro colorways and get something out of just one skein! Not to mention my immature, giddy satisfaction at watching the colors stripe themselves.

Here's what else I've been doing, wedding-wise (no looking, Mark!). Only 43 more days of wedding-stress to deal with until I can get back to some serious knittin'.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Busy week...

...and not much knitting accomplished. I am nearing completion of the right front of Cathy but haven't had much time to work on her this week as it's been jam-packed with wedding stuff. Hopefully I will have a little time this weekend to knit, but it'll also be a wedding planning weekend, so chances are bad that I'll get a whole lot done. I'd set a deadline for myself to have this done by next weekend, but that's simply not going to happen, I see.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Thar she grows...

Cathy's coming right along:

starting to look like a sweater now

closeup of the front shaping

The edges look so ragged due to the increases, though I am hopeful that the ribbed edging will look nice and smooth. Becky, aka Skinnyrabbit, has finished hers and (of course) it looks great and is making me even more excited to finish mine. The front parts have been a lot more fun to knit than the back and I can get several rows done while on the bus instead of just two or maybe three. I just might be able to finish this in time to wear it this year!

In other knitting news, a co-worker sent me a link to this today. How cool is this? Now if only she'd team up with Skacel for an Addi version!

On a final note, fiance and I are so excited as wedding gifts have started arriving in the mail. Though I wasn't so excited last night when I saw this:

bad UPS!

Thankfully, there was nothing breakable/smashable/bendable inside. They must have used this to keep the truck door propped up in the back or something.