Back from the dead.
Nope, no knitting here. I've been sidelined with a cold since last week, so I have been going to work, then going home to sleep. That is all. The worst of it is over and I am on the mend, so there will definitely be knitting this week. In fact, Lori and I will be knitting tomorrow, so I should definitely have some goods to show then. When I last put down my knitting a week ago, I'd finished the first sleeve of Tubey, though I want to pin the other arm hole and try it on to check the length across the back and the sleeve length before binding off.
Congrats to those of you who are participating in the Knitting Olympics. You are stronger than I. Though I don't watch the actual Olympics, I am looking forward to seeing all of your progress during it!
Ed. to add:
Oh my, I almost forgot! Yesterday, I became an aunt for the second time around. Our brand new member of the family weighed in at 10 lbs. 14 oz. (and his mom is teeny). I was so unmotivated that I never knit anything for the poor boy. Bad knitter! But, I did purchase yarn, so he'll be well-dressed for the spring, if I ever finish Tubey, that is!