I met the Harlot! Or...how I was struck dumb in the presence of knitterly greatness.
Yesterday, the Yarn Harlot visited Pittsburgh. She wrote about our fair city on her blog, and said the nicest things.
I waited in anticipation all day for 5 o'clock to arrive, and when it did, I left work and promptly got stuck in the worst traffic. No worries, though. The lovely SJ and her fiance, J, had arrived early and had saved a seat for me. And what a seat - front row!
As we waited for the Harlot to speak, everyone in the audience compared projects, petted yarn, and had a good old time. I knitted on my new traveling sock:
Before long, she was introduced:
She talked about the muggles, and how knitters are underestimated. It was a great, and hilarious talk.
After her talk, there was a signing. SJ and I waited in line (with the ever-patient J), and chatted with Cheryl and Yvonne, who were right behind us. Finally, it was my turn. I wanted to tell Stephanie how much I loved her Bohus. I wanted to tell her how much her posts about renovating her bedroom made me laugh, and how I thought she was superwoman for doing it herself (we're having a new wood floor installed in April, and I laughed at her description of the dust, knowing what I was in for then). I wanted to tell her lots of things, but I was struck utterly dumb. I'm not sure what I said to her, but I am certain that it was neither coherent or intelligent.
Stephanie, if you ever read this, know that I think your knitting is amazing and inspirational, and that what you've been able to accomplish with your writing is phenomenal. Thank you for representing for knitters everywhere. And thanks for making me laugh every time I read your blog. You rock.
Edited 04/01/07 at 10:15pm: Here's proof that I may have said something funny (unless she was, um, humoring me). Thanks for the photo, SJ!