Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Not a shawl, but still lace.

I'm taking a little break from Swallowtail in favor of another lace project:

That is, of course, Elizabeth Zimmermann's Baby Sweater on Two Needles, aka the February Sweater. I've always thought that this sweater was so cute and have always wanted to knit it, but was a little intimidated about trying an EZ "pattern", because I usually require a little more hand holding than she provides. Happily, I really haven't had any trouble with the instructions, and have even deviated from them a bit (I used kf&b for the yoke increases rather than her suggested m1 and am knitting the sleeves in the round instead of flat before the rest of the body). I'm really enjoying this knit, and am looking forward to seeing it on my little girl someday!

I've made a tiny bit of progress on the Swallowtail Shawl, and have now completed 11 repeats of the main chart, the last one using my new Knit Picks chart keeper. As promised, the chart keeper is wonderfully useful and I do love it. I only wish that it had a plastic pocket to slip the chart into, or maybe that the magnets provided were a little stronger, because they don't really hold a folded piece of paper on the keeper very well. No problem, though - the paper can be cut or I could always buy stronger magnets if I wanted to keep the pages with the charts on them intact. In any case, I am looking forward to getting lots more use out of the chart keeper once I resume work on the shawl and for future projects.



Blogger Yvonne said...

I love the little sweater! I haven't had much problem with the magnets slipping on the chart keeper...maybe you just got some bad magnets. Lowe's has super strong magnets...maybe next time you go there, check them out! :)

10:35 PM  
Blogger Sherral said...

Ok that little sweater is so stinking cute! and thanks for the info on the chart keeper!

10:56 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

So cute! I think it's pretty fair to say that the mojo is back -- I'm not sure I've ever seen you knit so fast!

I agree with Yvonne; I've never had an issue with my magnets not holding. Maybe you got a bad batch?

7:42 AM  
Blogger DPUTiger said...

February Sweater looks fabulous. Great to see you posting more often :) Have fun without me tonight and I look forward to seeing you guys in 2 weeks!

5:50 PM  

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