The finished Summer in the City Tank:
please ignore this horribly unflattering photo
here to see the progress along the way. A few observations on this project:
1. This design is really meant for someone who is much taller and slimmer, and thus, looks terrible on me.
2. In addition to being an unflattering shape, it is pretty big on me, which makes matters even worse. I hope to be able to shrink it a little bit so that it is, at the very least, wearable.
3. While I loved the look of this yarn in the hanks, I hated every minute of knitting with it. I vow never to use a cotton and silk blend ever again. The yarn was uncomfortably nubby to knit with, doesn't feel very nice, and has no strength or elasticity. Case in point- I was pulling the end through the final loops on one of the straps to knot it, tugged gently, and the yarn broke apart. Also, the fabric that this yarn makes is a little stiff and not especially drapey, which adds to the finished tank looking terrible on me.
What did I learn from this, my first adult garment?
1. To pay more attention to my gauge next time. I probably should have known that it was going to be too large when I was only a few inches it to the first piece, when I could have made adjustments.
2. Obviously, I love wool and will never be really happy with cotton due to its lack of elasticity. I have some Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece in the stash that I think I'll try out on another tank.
3. I should knit patterns that might have a chance of looking good on me, and not that just look good on the very skinny.
4. That it feels really good to have finished at least one thing.