The city of yarn love...
This weekend, Mark and I traveled to Philadelphia to visit with this friend:

and her parents Matt and Melissa. By the way, the sweater in the photo is this one in action. We had a great time. We had cheesesteaks from Dalessandro's, walked around the city, and visited yarn shops. You see, Melissa is such a fabulous host that she arranged a trip here:

where they had a lot of this:

We also visited a new-ish shop in the area called The Main Skein. Sorry, no photo of that as it was raining pretty hard during our visit and I did not want to take the camera out of the bag. However, I did bring back a souvenir from The Main Skein:

That's Diakeito Diamussee Fine - a yarn I'd never seen before but instantly fell in love with. Does that colorway make you salivate or what? I know it did to me, so I think that this is destined to be a pair of socks in the very near future.
I was also an enabler. I bought Melissa a couple of skeins of Cascade 220 and some bamboo needles, and we had a little knitting lesson late on Saturday night. She's a natural knitter and was having a great time with it. Of course, I did some knitting myself, mostly in the car:

All in all, a relaxing weekend. In May we have a wedding to go to in New Jersey, so Mark and I will be spending a few days with friends there and in NYC. The friend that we are staying with can't get off work one of the days that we will be there (damn the man), though that gives me a day to do stuff on my own. I'm planning to go to the MoMA, since I've not yet seen the new building. Can anyone recommend some good NYC yarn shops (preferably any that are in the general vacinity of the MoMA that have great sock yarns) for me to drop in on while I am there?